Thursday 24 October 2013


If the topic is known to you well in advance, you have time to gather thoughts but what if you are called on the stage and asked to speak on a topic you never guessed about. The topic may appear simple for the audience but it may be extremely difficult to speak on, especially when you happen to be a person considered to be able to speak on any subject given to you. Once I landed into such a situation.

The topic was: What is the one dangerous and needy thing that you dared to do?

I started off, I have a lady friend, once I walked up to her and said “I love you”. (Before I continue further; you might be having a whirlpool of thoughts. You might be thinking would she be unmarried, or would she be married? Not only questions; you might be having answers ready too. If she was unmarried she might have replied “I am already in love with someone, sorry houseful”, If she was married she might have replied but I am a mother of two children. Let me bring an end to it; she was a married lady.)

No sooner did she hear it, she was looking at me into my eyes, her eyes questioning mine. Though powerful at body language and eye gestures, I found myself losing ground. Instead of using eye gesture I thought it wise to use verbal language.

Me: This statement has been troubling me since long and with such gesture from your side it has turned to be more troubling.

She: I am a mother of two beautiful children, a wife to a caring husband and that statement of your is not acceptable to me.

Me: Dear, I have no other person in the world to whom I can express that worry of mine.

She: But your worry can bring worries to my family.

Me: Dear, if you try to understand my worry I think you can free me from it.

She: Sorry, I cannot help you. It is better you go to an unmarried lady.

Me: It is going to be a “From a pillar to the post” experience.

She: Whatever it be, I can’t help!

Me: Let me tell you that I approached the lady who sits to your right in the office. She told me that she was in love with her college friend.

Me: About the girl who sits to your left in the office she told “she was engaged and getting married in a month’s time”

Me: And the girl who sits to the far left in the office she said “she is leaving the country in a week’s time for further studies and she doesn’t believe in distant love”

Me: I even asked the girl who sits to the far right in the office. She isn’t that impressive and good looking, isn't it. Do you know what she said? Stay away or else I won’t lodge a complaint to the department boss but I will directly call the police.

See you next time with the concluding part: I LOVE YOU-2

Sunday 20 October 2013


Milan, Ohio February 11, 1847, a child was born; it was the last and the seventh child in the family. Its father was a political activist and mother, a perfect teacher. This child was the mother’s apple of the eye. The child too loved its mother a lot. 

The world is very much new to a child. It has lot of questions, confusions, doubts and queries to be clarified. It always tries to get a satisfying answer; if it gets an unsatisfying answer the quest for a perfect answer continues noiselessly. This quest takes him through strange ways, strange behaviour and at times strange thoughts; it may pose bizarre questions to the parent, teacher or any elderly person he feels, approachable.

The child in discussion was a hyperactive child. A hyperactive child is not bad, lazy or stupid but is prone to distraction. Its teacher found it difficult to handle. Its mother preferred to teach it at home.

One morning, not seeing it around, its mother called it, once, twice, thrice; she continued to call. It kept on answering and continued to remain in bed. Not able to bear it, its mother, entered the bedroom, caught it by the hand and pulled it out of bed. The child was speechless and the mother awestruck. On the bed lay five to six eggs. When questioned, the child calmly answer: “When the hen sits on the eggs the chickens hatch out of the eggs, would the same thing happen if I sleep on the eggs?” ….. The child later grew up to be Thomas Alva Edison.

In the above story the child leaves the mother awestruck. Let us see what happens when a copying occurs between a husband and a wife. 

A motivational speaker was regaling his audience.
He said: "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!"
The audience went silent and shocked.

The speaker continued: "And she was ….. My mother!" (Laughter and applause)
A week later, a top manager inspired by the motivational speaker tried to regale his wife with the same joke.

He was a bit hung after the drink. He said loudly to his wife who was preparing dinner, "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!"

The wife went; "ah!" with shock and rage. Note able to recall for few seconds the second half of the joke, the manager finally blurted out"....and I can't remember who she was!"

By the time the manager regained his consciousness, he was on a hospital bed nursing burns from boiling water.

Moral of the story: "Don't copy if you can't paste"

Thursday 17 October 2013


What happens when a chocolate from a child’s hand disappear, what happens to youngster whose mobile goes missing. What happen to a lady when her shopping trip gets cancelled and what happen to a speaker when a Toastmasters meeting is declared cancelled.

The same thing happened at Saudi Kayan Toastmasters Club. It was not just one meeting but meetings in a row that did not happen. A gasping person can be supported by resuscitation. A gasping person can be moved to intensive care unit, but what to do with a gasping club.
Me and Jamaan Al-Ghamdi were asked to revive the club but the modus operandi was not known to anyone of us. In the toastmasters we don’t learn by reading books, we learn by performing. I was reminded of a beautiful saying “If you sincerely decide, the whole universe conspires to get what you aspire” and we aspired to revive the club.

In the initial stage there were no speaker, we would only do the table topics. We would explain the benefits of toastmasters, we would emphasis that there is room for improvement for everyone and anyone who has the will. We stressed that every phase in life is a phase in transition; likewise your shortcoming too is a phase in transition. There are living examples in Saudi Kayan Toastmasters Club who would agree to it.

Proper planning paved the road to success and becoming the President’s Distinguished Club. Few corporate clubs achieve it. Apart from planning we carefully and attentively listened to the person who had the last say; we often thought about how to widen the scope, we though how to bring in people who were not able to attended the meeting. The committee decided to start the customized lunch hour meeting which last for one hour. It catered to two prepared speeches and three table topics. More guests visited our meeting, meeting the target now was a cake walk.

The executive committee was successful in reaching out to the lower half of the organization chart and the next focus was to reach out for the apex of it. The Toastmasters Day conducted on 13.12.2011 served the purpose. Now it has become a regular feature of the club. The management at Saudi Kayan appreciates and supports the Toastmastering Club Activities with open heart.

Toastmasters are able to see the shift, from who he was and what he is. Uncontrolled- stammering, low self-esteem, inefficiency in organizing ideas, fear of speaking without notes are now things of the past. We address it in a structured way.

Now a days neither my name appears in the agenda nor do I have a role in the meeting but I happen to be a part of the audience just like any other person. Can any person feel happy doing nothing? I have an easy answer Yes I do, when I see the new faces on the stage.

It is like the sons who have turned adult and are running the show; the father sits, watches and rejoices thinking his effort are rewarded.

Jamaan has left, I too will leave sometime but the Saudi Kayan Toastmasters Club that has taken shape will continue to reward the youth who patronize it for all time to come.

Thursday 10 October 2013


Oxford dictionary defines revolution as “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system” another definition is “a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation”. History has witnessed bloody revolutions, white revolution, green revolutions, and now it is witnessing a silent revolution. Bloody revolutions were about gaining power, white revolution was about making milk availability, green revolution was about afforestation (planting trees) and silent revolution is about mobile phones.

From a simple talking and messaging machine it has become a smart machine providing a horde of services; supporting these services are numerous application of which the most popular one WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary, cross-platform instant messaging application for smartphones. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video, and audio media messages.

My daughter once told me about an incident that happened in her friend’s house. The family has four members and all four have smart phones. Though they live under the same roof, they prefer messaging over talking. Once it happened that the son left his socks lying on the bed. The mother who noticed them, pictured and messaged, “Put them in the right place” The son was quick to reply, why only me? Have a look at this; what do you say? The son had pictured his father who was lying flat on the sofa. The twit from his wife made the annoyed husband move to his bedroom leaving the TV on; fifteen minutes later his deep sleep was interrupted by a message “Who will switch off the TV?” He replied “The maid”

Human voice has tone and inflexion which can work wonders but we prefer machine touch over human touch. Youngsters are very much fond of music. With mobile in the pocket and handset in their ears, they get lost. Hardly can they hear you and it can be one of the causes of strained relation between the parent and the child.

Go anywhere, you find almost everyone lost in his mobile machine. While passing through the security check, the security personnel is busy messaging, children are busy gaming, youngster are busy chatting, salesman busy ordering, stock traders are busy transacting, and housewife with gossiping.

Historic invasions fade away but scientific invasions grip us cascadingly. Einstein introduced time and space uniquely. Mobile is working on it uniquely; every second of yours and every inch you have is being transgressed stealthily by this machine. One can be away from his boyfriend/girlfriend but being away from it is not an affordable proposition. We are closely bonded with this machine. It doesn’t spare you even in your washroom and at your bed side. It is mandatory for some to be connected 24 x 7, many feel it necessary to be connected 24 x 7 and the remaining will feel the need to be connected 24 x 7.    

Ali, my neighbor’s sons who has just learned walking wants his dad’s iPhone to play with. Waiting at the Delhi airport, on my way to Vadodara; I spotted an elderly person in his seventies trying to learn the intricacy of iPhone from his daughter in law. 

Decades before children used to play marbles, adults used to play chess and elders used to play with rosary. 

So, what's up? Time has changed and now we all play with mobiles. 

Thursday 3 October 2013


I love watching Nat. Geo. Wild; once while watching it I happened to come across life style of Lions. The screen showed a big family of Lions, Lioness and cubs. It seemed they had relaxed, enjoyed the shade of the tree and the breeze of the season. Life is not only about living in the present but also about planning for the near future and the near future was about feeding the whole family. It was meal time.

The three Lionesses took the lead. The considerations those demanded attention were; they should look for a big kill (to feed the whole family), isolating the big animal from its big and defensive herd and finally overpower it, would it be easy? The only way left was to stop thinking and start acting.

It took careful consideration spotting a prey but it was not alone. Isolating it happened only after difficult maneuvering, often interrupted by sporadic fight back from the herd. The final phase was yet to be accomplished; driving the claws and the flesh-tearing teeth deep down in to the body of the buffalo till it gives up. It took few minutes for the task. The buffalo lay dead, the whole family started enjoying the meal while the three Lioness stayed back. They joined when most of them had finished.

In the human society too since the art of agriculture came into existence women have taken the lead and contributed a lot. Go to the rural areas you will still find queue of women return home after a full day work in the fields. It is not only about the rural front; look wherever you can lay your eyes on,  home front, education front, office front, war front, political front and even space front, are they not contributing working shoulder to shoulder with men?

Few minutes before writing this blog I was scrolling down my facebook account, when I came across a post carrying a remark on a beautiful teacher. The remark read “When such beautiful teacher is around the chance of clearing the exams are a round (zero)” There were 29 likes and a comment read “May be my ATKT could be due to this reason” Appreciating someone’s beauty is one thing and blaming someone’s beauty is another. I think somewhere we went wrong in up-keeping and guarding values.

Think our family to be a cart having two wheels and the passengers to be the kids. Imagine one wheel to be the father and the other to be the mother. What if the father doesn't move in harmony with the mother’s motion? The journey doesn't stop, it is not destined to stop, continue it will but teaching bitter lessons and disrespectful attitude which reflects when the children reach adulthood flexing their muscles and exhibiting their strength.

Dec 16, 2012 a 23-year-old female physiotherapy intern was beaten and gang raped in a bus by six persons, passed away 13 days later. That day onward every day, news paper and news channels carry unabated reports of rape incidents. I feel sick when I think where is the society, the legislature, the judiciary and the administrations heading for. Are they lost???

Surgeons say, we can stitch torn vaginas but we cannot stitch torn minds. Judges do admit: Justice delayed is justice denied.  Let us address this cause and create an atmosphere of trust and respect. We the men owe it to the Ladies.

If she wouldn't have wished we wouldn't have existed.