Monday 28 April 2014


The affinity of sodium to oxygen is such that if put in water it spontaneously combines with oxygen in the molecule of water. Carbon needs heat to combine with oxygen. Some elements need pressure and some need a catalyst for the reaction to happen. The inert elements never react. Reaction is all about forming a bond; it may be strong or weak. 

On the first day as a guest at the Elite Toastmasters Club I found Toastmasters a better platform to express ideas. I enter Toastmasters for two reasons, firstly for creativity secondly to hone my speaking skill. In the Toastmasters a members is formally assigned a mentor. Soon came the contest, I participated and lost. Having put in the best of my learning when the results don’t come through, it means I missed somewhere. I tried to understand reasons related to my failure through paying a visit to many senior Toastmasters, but in vain.

Not losing hope, I continued to learn. This learning started reflecting while I was on the podium and, then started coming, the assignment on mentoring; mentoring Youth Leaders and club members.

In jobbing it is the same raw material with a given specification on which a repetitive processing is done to get a predetermined product of desired specification.

In mentoring it is not so; every time you get a mentee with a different specification it can be: a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, adventurous, non-adventurous, receptive to ideas, partially receptive to ideas, married, bachelor and so on and so forth. All these specification help one to build a mentoring plan. For a club member a mentor also needs to look at why is he in for and whether he would prefer fast track, a medium paced track or a slow track.

Having set a plan, then comes its execution. Sincerity in execution sets the mentor- mentee relation in good tone. Mentoring is different from taking a lecture of mathematics, physics, chemistry or zoology. It always demands creativity, something new always. This is what keeps the mentee glued with you. He starts enjoying being with you, learning from you; on the other hand the you too get enriched. A mentor is able to see his mentee shaping up. It does not necessary imply that the mentee also sees the same.  

It is with this wisdom that I had to push a mentee through the contest. The aftermath of the contest left him with no words. He was holding a trophy in his hand. The mentor sees what the mentee does not see. One more similar incident did take place with a different mentee. A mentee sees inability, a mentor sees ability. It is a paradigm shift in perception.

At times a mentor is required to work on other end to get things done on this end; that brings in sound connectivity and induces confidence in the relationship.

A teacher teaches, a trainer trains, a coach coaches and a doctor dispenses but a mentor walks an extra mile. Mentoring is a relation which starts on a simple note but doesn't end, but doesn't die; once a mentor, always a mentor. Mentoring is all about creating affinity for learning, up keeping affinity for learning.

Mentoring a spectrum of people ranging from teachers to students (college and school) and industrial to non-industrial employees has been a rewarding experience for me.

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