Thursday 3 April 2014


It is darkness all around, can’t see anything but I can feel myself, slowly regaining consciousness, deep sleep has just started phasing out but still I am gripped in its hang over. The alarm set in the mobile blares up cautioning me “time and tide wait for none” and you need to leave your bed. I have been many a time asked in the table topics “Is technology a boon or a bane?” I have always felt it to be a boon and the snooze button comes on friendly. The second time I press the stop button I am fully awake.

The whole night during the sleep the body was busy digesting dinner and working on various systems. The acceptability of a drug and cleansing of toxic is most favored by the body during sleep; perhaps that is why god made sleep and night. An urge to have a ginger flavored tea is intensifying. I let the tea brew on the stove so that the essence of tea and ginger are extracted to make my morning unique. 

Positioned in the chair I wish to make the most of the moment and the tea which has mischievous intentions of tinkling my nostrils by its aroma that emanates from its captivity. Tea sessions used to be joint affairs in the past. It has been years it happens to be a lonely affairs. However she is still there in the realms of my memory but she doesn't talk with me. Living a lonely life for a long time leaves you in a love affair; yes I have started loving my loneliness. As the last sip disappears and the cup turns empty it is time for me to get fresh.   

Few minutes later as I stand in front of my blue lady (Toyota, Yaris) she appears sparkling new and ready to receive me; perhaps Kohinoor gave her a bath late night. I often remember the caution on the cartoon box “Fragile, handle with care”, ladies and cars are alike. If handled with care the live long and they live lively.

Once at the wheels a gentle push on the throttle sets her in motion. I take the Jeddah street up to the four way crossing near Khonaini pharmacy, I need to turn right and take the King Faisal West Street. There are long lines of palm trees in the center and sides of this street. Saudi Arabia is a land of surprises. Within minutes the climate can turn windy, the roads can turn sandy, the air can turn humid and a barren roadside can turn palmy (with palm trees) overnight. The authorities crane-lift big palm trees and plant it on the road sides. There are labors in Saudi Arabia but the main approach remains machine oriented.

I am heading in the opposite direction but once I reach the Anabeeb office I will take the service road and join the main traffic of highway leading to Al-Khafji residential area. It will put me in the right direction.

The dyke of the service road is silted with heaps of sand; a stretch of approximately 700 meters. I am on the verge of joining the main stream traffic of Al-Khafji highway, one needs to be cautious while entering a high speed traffic. I have positioned myself in the middle lane; the odometer indicating between 100 and 110 kms and the rpm around 2500. Jubail one has started appearing. Within minutes I will be taking exit 04 climbing the ramp and on the Highway 218 with joins Jubail 01 and Jubail 02.

I am on the highway # 218;  my office just two signals away; a left turn and then again a left brings me in front of Gate # 04. I pull my foot off the throttle and my lady slows down eventually coming to a halt. I pat her on the steering for keeping company. 

I walk through the gate wishing "Salam (Hello)" to the security guard. It is the receding phase of winter. The whole week it has been cool and pleasant. The mild breeze lifting and dropping the tuft of hair on my forehead; my cheeks going cool, I have reached building # 18, smiles and wishes from my colleagues fill the ambiance. Abdullah is there with his Saaba Al-Kher((Good morning), Kay Falik (How are you?), Tayeeb (OK?); good motivations to start a day, my had stretched and fingers switching the computer on and get lost in the days work. See you later with "Leaving the Office"

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