Thursday 30 January 2014


God created human being, and endowed him with a pair of ears; but he did not create them alone, they were created along with a wish. From the day they were created them to the day they will be buried, they long for one thing. They always and always expect somebody, to say “I LOVE YOU”. Everyone is not lucky enough to listen this; but the presence of love can be experienced by us by observing action of the persons around you. So what if love doesn’t get translated into a verbal language, so what if it cannot fill the space in your ears, love has a different language and it is capable to fill the space around you and within you.

Two great personalities of pre and post independence era of India; Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel both had few similarities in life.

Nehru in 1916 married Kamala. In 1936 Kamala died at a young age of 37 due to tuberculosis. Nehru never remarried. Indira Gandhi the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru served as the Chief of Staff of her father's highly centralized administration between 1947 and 1964

Sardar Patel's was married to Jhaverba. In 1909, Jhaverba was hospitalized for a major surgical cancer operation. Her health suddenly worsened and despite successful emergency surgery, she died in the hospital. Patel himself decided against marrying again. Sardar Patel’s daughter Maniben stood by her father participated in the Non-Cooperation movement and the Salt Satyagraha. In the 1930s she became her father's personal aide, also caring for his personal needs. She served her father closely until his death in 1950.

Kiran Bedi, the first and highest ranking Indian woman who served Indian Police Service, was once asked. Would she like to be reborn? She replied “Only if she had the same parents.”

Bhumika my daughter, has some other plans, she is dedicated to disturb me if I am seriously lost in something; may be reading a newspaper or mending something. She wants to make her presence felt, she expects my attention.

Once I asked her let us assemble for lunch, she told, I am fasting today, I asked her, for what? She didn’t reply. Next week the same day she was there with us for the lunch. I inquired are you not fasting today? She said my fasting is rewarded. I asked, what is it? She coolly replied “You got selected for the job”. This little soul knew nothing big, but it knew, it could fast.

Before getting married she has once again demanded attention, reunion of family so that she can have quality time, she knows she is just and I know I need to respect.

Understanding concerns spread, and love concerns depth; we say he is a man of great understanding and she is deeply in love with him. Daughters never grow old and their love never gets shallow. Daughters are oceans of love, oceans have depth and so deep is the love of a daughter.

See you next time with "Glimpses of Understanding"

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