Friday 24 January 2014


Engineering has two aspects, the pure aspect and the applied aspect, the classroom aspect and the field aspect likewise why can’t SIP have two aspect; the stock market aspect and life aspect.

Two important things to be taken care of in SIP are periodicity and putting. We periodically put in money that in the end results in a big asset. Likewise do we get in touch with our children and put something positive in their life. Having been sincere with periodicity and putting the other two things to be taken care of, are duration and patience. The stock market is cyclic in nature; it creates highs and lows, tops and bottoms. One should have patience and not be moved by the market moves, over and above this; one should continue investing over a longer duration.

In life too one should have a periodic dialogue with his children putting in positivity over a long duration of time. Dealing with the child one may face consent or dissent, an acceptance or a rejection, a smile or a frown, laughter or a cry. Obedience or disobedience, excellent performance or under-performance, the bottom line is one need to have patience.

If in a gathering, someone whom we know passes by without acknowledging, without paying attention, how do we feel? A sympathetic call to our pet sends its tail wagging. If it is so important for our pets, is it not equally important for us human beings. Attention and acknowledgement are essential to human beings.

“Grain by grain forms a mountain, drop by drop forms an ocean”. Day by day one needs to invest time and care, in his or her child’s life.

Now a day there is a paradigm shift from a labor oriented approach to a machine oriented approach. One is seldom wise in selecting between the two. Technology has a host of range to offer and the cartoon channel comes in as an easy option to keep a child occupied. The communication between the child and the TV is a monologue. The TV speaks and the child listens. The child doesn’t have the option to be listened. The child gets obsessed by the cartoon characters. Is one’s child developing?
In reality the need of a child is dialogue, an interactive communication. The child is trying to open up and understand the world around. It has many questions, many doubts, many confusions. Are they being answered? Are they being explained? Are they being attended? Are they being sorted out?

Learning happens with questioning, the more you ask, the more you learn. Does your child have an option to question? Does it have a questioning window? A questioning window has twofold benefits. 1. It helps the parents to organize, update and prepare themselves.  2. It slowly and steadily grooms the child’s personality. The windows on the walls when opened bring sunshine and breeze (pleasantness), the questioning windows when opened brings in the transformation of house into a home. 

Everybody buys or builds a house only to get a home at a later stage in life. Have a SIP, when in the market, work on a Systematic Investment Plan, while at home, work on a Sympathetic Investment Plan. See you next time with "Glimpses of love"

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